Launched in 2014, Volta recently partnered with UPPM. Four albums are already available.

Retribution, The Second Installment of Immediate Music’s Premium Collection ‘Dark Hero’
Discover the new album from the successful epic/drama/action series, Dark Hero.

Position Music: Raising the Damned
Damned Anthem make a triumphant return with their second epic and hard-hitting album, released through Position Music.

Really Slow Motion & Instrumental Core: Angels Among Demons
This hybrid dubstep/orchestral album marks the first collaboration between the two companies.

Chroma & J2: Immortal
Highly-anticipated, this EP marks the third collaboration between Chroma and J2.

Dos Brains: the Latest Additions to the Silver Screen Catalog
‘Northern Lights, Southern Darkness’; ‘Immortal’; ‘Fire & Ice’, and ‘Fade to Black’ are the newest releases from Dos Brains’ catalog.

The Hit House’s Over Re:Action
Why settle just for a reaction, when you can get an over reaction? Discover the company’s new release,...

Songs To Your Eyes: Epic Kingdoms Trailer Music Vol. 02
Composer Torsti Spoof releases an inspiring, triumphant and majestic album.

Songs To Your Eyes: Epic Mayhem Vol. 01
Don’t miss this brilliant collection of intense, dramatic, majestic and heroic tracks from composer Dwayne Ford.

2015 International Music + Sound Awards: Call For Entries (Deadline Extended!)
Get your entries in now to the 3rd annual International Music+Sound Awards. The entry deadline has been extended...

Sub Pub Music: Drowning Abyss
Welcome to the colourful world of pirates! Heroic and action-packed, this album will take you on exciting adventures at...

New Gothic Storm Releases: Dragons, EDM and Emotions are Here
Dragons, EDM and emotions: Gothic Storm’s new albums offer various styles of music – always in epic fashion of...

Impact Music: Piano Solaris
This collection of emotional and inspiring cinematic piano cues was composed by Grammy Awards nominee Mark Portmann.