Killer Tracks: Apocalypse 2012
An oustanding new album.

Immediate Music: New Libraries
Immediate super-interesting news.

E.S. Posthumus: The Vonlichtens Talk!
…and reveal some exciting news.

Poll #1: What is your Favourite Company?
Two Steps From Hell rules!

Extreme Music: Scoregasm
Hidden stuff.

Introducing: Liquid Cinema
A new company focusing on trailer music.

New Releases From West One Music and Q-Factory
Discover Epic Journeys and Epic Action & Adventure.

Future World Music Vol. 09: Water, Earth And Fire
Future is now!

Immediate Music’s New Division: Bands
Hoy, hoy! Immediate Music made a huge step forward and created a new devision called ‘IM Bands’.

Who Brought Bleu Cheese?
Discover the lyrics of some famous epic tracks.

Videohelper: Scorehelper Vol. 07
Hoy, hoy! Videohelper released a new album of their Scorehelper series.