A review of Future World Music’s latest release.

Position Music: Rise Above Review
Reviewing the latest addition to Orchestral Series.

Les Friction’s Debut Album Review
Released on January 24, Les Friction’s debut album of the same name has been available for two months...

Two Steps From Hell: Nero Review
“Two years in the making, a lifetime of inspiration”, the company says.

Trailerhead: Saga Review
Trailerhead:Saga is the second installment of public releases from the highly prolific production music company Immediate Music.

Music Junkies: Good Idea Review
Good Idea is the first public release from production music company Music Junkies.

Two Steps From Hell: Invincible Review
Invincible is the first public release by renowned trailer music company Two Steps From Hell.

Globus: Epicon Review
Epicon is the first studio album of Globus which was released in 2006.
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