8Dawn first (and definitely not the last) commercial album, 2S3XY, is released on various channels.

Globus’ Second Album
Read some updates about the upcoming album.

Fringe Element: Eclipse
A new album, composed by David Travis Edwards.

News Mix for February
Since there are bunch of news piled up, I decided to post them together as a bunch. So...

Epic Score: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 08
Without any previous hypes, the 8th volume of the Epic action & adventure series has arrived by Epic...

Sonoton Trailer Tracks: Orchestral Rock, and Dark Heroes
Discover Sonoton’s new albums.

Merry Christmas from Position Music and TMN!
Christmas-box 2010.

E.S. Posthumus’ Single “Christmas Eve”
Merry Christmas to you all! Wait, what?

PostHaste Music Vol. 08: Drama
A new album by PostHaste.

Shockwave Sound: Massive Impact Vol. 06
The sixth volume of the Massive Impact series is out.

Summer Brainstorming
Discover the latest releases, including Trailerhead: Saga from Immediate Music!

Two Steps From Hell: Power of Darkness
Discover their latest album!

Poll #4: Would you buy a physical release (CD) of Invincible?
Discover the results of the latest poll about Two Steps From Hell’s first public album, Invincible.

City of the Fallen: Revelations
Demo of Revelations is revealed..

Brand X Music: Volume 13
Beware of number 13… or not?