RipTide Music: From The Blue
Ever wondered what a mix of the Inception score and the Tron score would sound like?Take a bit of the Inception score, throw in a bit of the Tron: Legacy score, add RipTide Music and mix it! This is how you get “They came from the blue” by RipTide Music, a track featured in their new album, From the Blue.
The rest of the album is also interesting, with epic parts in a hybrid rock/orchestra style. You will probably notice that “World Collapsing” sounds a lot like the famous “Mind Heist” by Zack Hemsey, featured in one of the Inception trailers. From the Blue was composed by Danny Cocke, whom you can follow on Facebook.
RipTide has also released a rock/metal album called A Show of Blood, composed by Cliff Lin: “RipTide Music is pleased to announce the release of two premier trailer albums. Following Cliff Lin’s highly successful release of And Your World Will Burn, Cliff serves up more of what he’s known for: “in your face action music” with his latest release A Show of Blood mixed by Logan Mader.
Newcomer Danny Cocke hits the nail on the head with a unique hybrid of orchestral, industrial sound design, and rock elements to create “From the Blue”. Dannys approach to composition comes from a different place than the “tried and true” orchestral trailers by creating a fresh sound for next generation trailers. Mixed by Brant Biles of Robert Margouleff’s Mi Casa.”
From The Blue is available to the public for purchase through iTunes and Amazon. For licensing information, contact RipTide Music.