Brand X Music: Meta (aka: “The Most Effective Tactic Available”)
Let’s introduce Meta, a new musical concept by Brand X Music, defined as follows:
“me•ta \ˈmā-tä\ n
1. A new breed born of genetic mutation with extraordinary hybrid DNA abilities.
2. Brand X Music’s 10th revolutionary theatrical release introduces new composers and never before heard sounds.
3. Eighteen lethal doses of metahuman ferocity, superhuman sound design, threateningly dark layers, massive guitars riffs and slamming percussions.
4. Featuring talent from three continents and five countries in collaboration for an all-out intense epic thrill ride.
5. The Most Effective Tactic Available for any musical situation.”
Meta, Brand X Music’s latest release from their Theatrical catalog, is indeed a very effective and impactful album, offering dramatic, suspenseful and epic music. It features a combination of orchestra, choir, sound design, electronic elements and heavy guitars.
The composers behind this new musical tactic are John Sponsler, Nicolas Felix, Salvador Casais, Darius Moldovan, Christer Wibert, Tom Gire, Josh Lynch, Corey De La Roche Martin and Dirk Ehlert.
Meta is currently not available to the public for purchase. For licensing information, contact Brand X Music.