The Hit House is Back with ‘Kinetic Re:Action’
The successful Re:Action album series, from the even more successful company The Hit House, features a new addition – Kinetic Re:Action.
Driving, action-packed and rather aggressive, Kinetic Re:Action is an hybrid album, mixing orchestral, electronic and rock sounds.
“At The Hit House lab, our modern-day Teslas became obsessed with one question: how to bring light, energy, and flow to modern action while STILL keeping it fun and driving”, the company explains. “We only blew up three RVs in the desert and permanently scarred two lab assistants to find the perfect formula: a few ohms of swagger, couple dozen amps of badassery, 1.21 gigawatts of ‘Oh Hell, Yeah’, and we created the musical equivalent of cold fusion.”
Kinetic Re:Action was composed by Dan Diaz, William Hunt, Scott Miller and Martyn Corbet.
Kinetic Re:Action is currently not available to the public for purchase. For licensing information, contact The Hit House.