Discover Sentinel Awake, composed by Mark Nolan.

Ninja Tracks’ Sovereign Album Series
The series focuses on dark and intense hybrid music with sound design elements.

Switch: ‘A Cloudless Universe’ and ‘Limitless’
The company has released several albums, including their first public album Limitless.

Two Steps From Hell: Battlecry
The two-disc album is out. Are you ready for an epic journey?

Liquid Cinema: Cinematic Apocalypse Vol. 03
The third opus of the Cinematic Apocalypse album series is out.

Sencit Music: Tenth Dimension Volume 14
The fourteenth volume of Tenth Dimension, recorded live in Budapest, was recently released by Sencit Music.

Introducing Chop House Music
Founded by Kyle Robertson, Chop House Music is a recent trailer music library.

Dragons & Kings: Interview with the Composers of Gothic Storm’s Biggest Release to Date
Go behind the scenes of the album’s creation!
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