The Hit House Releases Elementary Re:Action
The Hit House releases Elementary Re:Action, a dark, intense and explosive hybrid album – “the ultimate catalyst to ignite your next action trailer”!
Composed by Scott Miller, Bill Conn and Adam Schiff, the tracks were named after chemical elements – helium, cobalt, sulfur, nitrogen… Mendeleev, author of the periodic table, would probably be proud to know that a trailer music album was inspired from it. “It’s more than gas. It’s more than liquid. It’s more than solid”, says Scott Miller, Creative Director. “The new library provides eleven volatile tracks, created note-by-note, and molecule-by-molecule, to blow everything they touch away”.
The cues will surely be incorporated with success into trailers. “Take a deep breath. Turn it up. And start experimenting for yourself”, says Sally House, Executive Producer. The reactions should be explosive!
Elementary Re:Action is currently not available to the public for purchase. For licensing information, contact The Hit House. Two albums from The Hit House have already been released to the public – Re:Action and Re:Action Earth, both available through iTunes and Amazon.
The Hit House is now on Youtube. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.