GrooveWorx launch their new trailer music catalog with Rogue.

Larry Groupé: Dream Cinema
Composer Larry Groupé releases his second solo album.

Illumination: Interview with Michael Maas
Read an interview with Michael Maas about the release of his second solo album!

Diego Stocco: Post Civilization
An original suite of trailer tracks by Diego Stocco, featuring his custom built orchestra.

ICON Vol. 10: Demolition
ICON Trailer Music releases a new album.

Deep East Music: Next Level – Omni Tronics
Deep East Music releases truly futuristic music.

Sencit’s Singularity Now Available to the Public
Sencit Music releases one of their albums to the public.

Soundcritters: Morrow Forge
Soundcritters has released a new album, of “epic metal rock style”.

Ninja Tracks: Revolution Genesis
Discover Ninja Tracks’ new album!

Two Steps From Hell Classics
The legendary company releases one more compilation to the public, Classics Vol. 01, just before their concert in Los Angeles.

Kerry Muzzey: Trailer Music 3
Kerry Muzzey releases a third album of trailer music.

Fringe Element: Goliath
Fringe Element’s new industry release.

OtherWorld Trailer Music: Chromosphere Vol. 01
OtherWorld Trailer Music releases its first album.

Extremis: Interview with Chris Haigh and Matt Welch
Read an interview with Chris Haigh and Matt Welch, the composers of Twisted Jukebox’s new extreme release, Extremis.

Twin Scoring Studio: Legend of the Guardians
Twin Scoring Studio’s first album.