Introducing Really Slow Motion: Interview with Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro
Really Slow Motion is another new trailer music company, founded by composer and sound designer Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro. Their first album, Cosmogeny, is due out very soon, and will feature music written by some of today’s most promising composers… including Ivan Torrent!
Trailer Music News: When and why did you start you own trailer music company, Really Slow Motion?
Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro: Initially, Really Slow Motion started in late 2011 to offer my services as both composer and sound designer. Most people working on their own as freelance artists would use their own name, and I sometimes do depending on the project, but for some reason I thought that offering an image of a solid company would give a more professional impression, so I would use Really Slow Motion as a sort of alter ego, a pseudonym.
In mid 2012, I started to work for other trailer music companies and I started to think that I could have a shot managing something similar myself, so I decided to talk to some fellow composers about the possibility of working as a team and release our own material and I would do all the marketing and promotion with the music supervisors and media professionals. I have years of experience managing teams and doing commercial tasks in a publishing company and I knew that with good material and talented composers we could gain ourselves a spot in this wild business. It won’t be easy due to all the well settled and greatly organized companies out there but I’m certain that we have all the tools to make it happen.
TMN: « Really Slow Motion » is a paradoxical name for a company that focuses on cinematic music. Why such a choice?
AGL: Ive always liked paradox and incoherence in names! But in this case made lots of sense to me. Really slow motion footage is so beautiful, you can observe every single detail in a very cinematic way that you wouldn’t normally spot in regular motion. When I was a kid, every time I watched a really slow motion capture I would be fascinated watching it over and over again having some sort of music ringing on my mind while watching. Once said that, Really Slow Motion merges both motion picture and music, and that’s exactly what we do.
TMN: What is the particularity of this new company?
AGL: We prepare license music and we are also capable of tailoring custom jobs under request. The concept of our music catalog is the creation of structured trailer music suitable also for non-trailer projects. Usually, for what I have observed, other companies do the other way round. They create great tracks that happen to be suitable for trailer music. Maybe in our first release this concept is not so obvious, we will talk about that later on, but Really Slow Motion’s approach will definitely be “trailer music suitable for everything else”.
TMN: Who is part of the team? How was the latter one formed?
AGL: I am so honored that many talented and well known composers truly believe in this project since day 1. No way this could have ever happened without the support and long talks with my friends Ivan Torrent and Vivien Chebbah, the best advise possibly without a doubt. I owe them big time! There are many other talented composers in this release like Dirk Ehlert, Blake Robinson, Attila Áts, Valentin Boomes, Tomás Lobos Kunstmann, Mateo Pascual, Cesc Vilà, Fran Soto, myself and others that have collaborated too and will be in next releases, including very big names in the trailer music industry. It’s been so difficult and hard to pick up the right tracks for this release and some of this tunes were truly amazing but had to be out because of technical problems. Tough decisions…
The good thing about Really Slow Motion is that there are no egomaniacs, we all interact in a very cooperative and friendly way and every composer has their own spotlight time. I’m happy to promote the work of people that kindly took their valuable time to help me putting together this crazy business. Everytime I need to discuss/produce a track with a composer I feel like I’m dealing with a friend and that fact definitely makes things smoother. I really can’t complain, so happy with the guys so far.
TMN: Really Slow Motion’s first album, Cosmogeny, will come out very soon. Its name literally means “any scientific theory concerning the coming into existence -or origin- of either the cosmos -or universe-, or the so-called “reality” of sentient beings”. What’s the story behind this album? What genre(s) of music can we expect?
AGL: Cosmogeny is the beginning of it all and as a first release we had to showcase a range of things that we are capable of doing. As I said earlier on, we could have gone more particular style and genre wise but at the end of the day we are just the new kid on the block, no music supervisor is yet aware of us, so… Let’s show them some of our tricks! Very soon we will have two more releases in which we will get more genre specific, but for now we have to get noticed with great tracks, to show that we can deliver a reliable product of quality.
Official promo video, featuring several tracks from Cosmogeny, and edited by Rain Ventsel:
TMN: Really Slow Motion also specializes in sound design. Will you release an album soon?
AGL: Yes, I am already working on it and the first moves in that regard have started last week. More news soon!
TMN: Is the music recorded live, or do you use samples?
AGL: Some of the tracks have live instruments but are mostly performed by virtual instruments. As you know, orchestras, choirs and recording studios are very expensive and at the moment we are just starting out with a tight budget, but this is no excuse for us to not sound great. The biggest deal about being part of this first release as a composer is that the production skills had to be second to none to compensate the lack of real orchestras. I contacted the best mock-up makers/producers I knew and literally told them in the brief: “If you think that a particular part of the track is not going to sound real enough, just write something else!”. We had to be clever and make the most of our resources, and avoid stuff that could jeopardize the overall quality. I honestly think that we have achieved a great sound in every single track. Being able to record with big ensembles is just a matter of time.
TMN: Do you have particular plans for the future?
AGL: Indeed! 2013 will definitely have more releases. In just few days, I will be flying over to Los Angeles to meet the music supervisors and other professionals to introduce our project. After that, our music will be sent to sub-publishers to get TV and other placements. This is just the very beginning and I am very excited about the whole thing.
TMN: Anything else you would like to share with us?
AGL: I really need to thank all the people that is helping me in this venture, every single composer that has been involved somehow in the project (go and check out their stuff!), the video editor/ninja Rain Ventsel for his patience and skills, Ryo Ishido for his outstanding art work and the unexpected support of music companies like Dos Brains and Gothic Storm, those guys rock! And of course, Trailer Music News for spreading the word!!! Please, if you don’t know us just yet, visit us on www.reallyslowmotion.com, and you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and SoundCloud.
TMN: Thank you, Agus!
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