Vote for the Trailer Music Awards 2012!
Even though we won’t be able to distribute statuettes or trophees, we still decided to organize Trailer Music Awards for 2012!
This year, rich in events, saw the creation of various new companies, the release of many albums, the emergence of new and promising artists in the industry – whether they are composers, solo vocalists, graphic designers, conductors, producers… – , excellent placements of tracks in trailers, and, in the end, a lot of new and sometimes incredible epic music.
To find out who or what was most appreciated during that year, we recently started online-voted awards via Facebook.
Fans, this is a great opportunity to vote for your favorite artists and music in 2012, and support them. Professionals of the trailer music industry, feel free to vote too – as long as you don’t vote for youself of course!
To vote, please head over to our Facebook page to discover all the categories of awards and the nominees. If, however, you don’t have any Facebook account, here are two solutions:
1. Create a Facebook account
OR 2. Submit your votes via email at trailermusicnews@gmail.com.
Votes end on February, 8th. The winners will be announced the following day. Feel free to spread the word and share this – the more people vote, the more interesting the results will be!
Here are the nominees for each category:
“Garador’s Flight”, by Position Music (composer: Jo Blankenburg)
“SkyWorld”, by Two Steps From Hell (composer: Thomas Bergersen)
“Icarus”, by Ivan Torrent
“Sol Invictus”, by audiomachine (composer: Paul Dinletir)
“Destiny Of The Chosen”, by Immediate Music (composers: John Samuel Hanson, Yoav Goren, Jeffrey Fayman)
“Victory Of Life”, by Future World Music (composer: Armen Hambar)
“Louder Than Words”, by Les Friction (composer: Helmut Vonlichten)
“World Without End”, by Brand X Music (composers: Tom Gire, John Sponsler, Joshua Lynch)
“Kara Kul”, by Mark Petrie
“Something To Fight For”, by Sencit Music (composer: Joseph Trapanese)
Elysium, by Position Music (composer: Jo Blankenburg)
SkyWorld, by Two Steps From Hell (composers: Nick Phoenix, Thomas Bergersen)
Trailerhead:Triumph, by Immediate Music
Helios, by audiomachine (composer: Paul Dinletir)
Rise Above, by Position Music (composer: Veigar Margeirsson)
Les Friction, by Les Friction
Millennium, by Future World Music (composer: Armen Hambar)
Genesis, by Mark Petrie
The Best Of Brand X Music, by Brand X Music
Vol. 10: Epic & Inspirational, by PostHaste Music
Immediate Music
Position Music
Future World Music
Two Steps From Hell
Brand X Music
Les Friction
Impact Music
Gothic Storm Music
Epic Score
Paul Dinletir (audiomachine)
Mark Petrie (Fired Earth Music, PostHaste Music…)
Armen Hambar (Future World Music)
Veigar Margeirsson (Position Music, Universal Trailer Series, Pitch Hammer…)
Helmut Vonlichten (Les Friction)
Yoav Goren (Immediate Music)
Jo Blankenburg (Position Music)
Nick Phoenix (Two Steps From Hell)
Thomas Bergersen (Two Steps From Hell)
Ivan Torrent
Philippe Rey
Vivien Chebbah
Vlado Hudec
Dirk Ehlert (akso known as DE-Tune)
Ryan Taubert
Aeone (Brand X Music)
Felicia Farrere (Elysium, by Position Music. Album composed by Jo Blankenburg)
Merethe Soltvedt (SkyWorld, by Two Steps From Hell)
Julie Elven (“Icarus”, by Ivan Torrent)
Aya Peard (SkyWorld, by Two Steps From Hell)
Sam Hayles (also known as DOSEProd) (Gothic Storm, audiomachine, Twisted Jukebox…)
Daniel Kvasznicza (Millennium, by Future World Music)
Steven R. Gilmore (Two Steps From Hell)
Scott Eaton (Immortality, by Fired Earth Music)
Michael Page / Trike Creative (Position Music)
Ryo Ishido
“Aurora”, by Mark Petrie, in The Amazing Spider-Man trailer #2
“Coup de Grâce” by Full Tilt/Ninja Tracks, in The Lone Ranger trailer #2. Composers: Kaveh Cohen and Michael Nielsen.
“Something To Fight For”, by Sencit Music, in the Iron Man 3 trailer. Composer: Joseph Trapanese.
“World Collapsing” (custom version), by RipTide Music, in the Snow White And The Huntsman trailer #2. Composer: Danny Cocke.
“Center Of The World”, by X-Ray Dog, in the Oz The Great And Powerful trailer #2. Composer: Chris Field.
“Strive For Liberty”, by Methodic Doubt Music, in the Avengers Superbowl trailer.
“Sonera” (custom version), by Thomas Bergersen, in the Cloud Atlas trailer #2.
“Horizons”, by Radical Music, in The Hunger Games trailer #2. Composer: John Paesano.
“Prologue And Birth”, by audiomachine, in the Life of Pi trailer. Composer: Paul Dinletir.
“Sublunar”, by Immediate Music, in the After Earth trailer. Composer: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic.
Petr Pololanik (Conductor, orchestrator. Worked with Position Music, Two Steps From Hell…)
Greg Townley (Producer, mixer. Worked with audiomachine, Immediate Music, Impact Music…)
Troels Folmann, for recording and making epic music with almost anything.
Chuck Norris, the only one who can beat Thomas Bergersen.
I wAnt to marry you Clothilde Lebrun!!
Is Injust how Ryan Amon Not Appear in Candidates in the Best Compositer 🙁