The future of trailer music is here!
audiomachine: Helios
The company has announced a new album, Helios.
Interview with Jo Blankenburg
Composer Jo Blankenburg talks about his musical experience and his upcoming and highly-anticipated album Elysium.
8Dio Stand Out Contest
8Dio is looking for the best composer!
Immediate Music: Epic Olympic Dreams
Immediate Music makes the 2012 Summer Olympic Games much more epic!
Epica: audiomachine’s Second Public Release
Their latest album, Epica, is about to be released to the public.
Fringe Element: Legacy
The Red Arc Music catalog features a new trailer music album.
Two Steps From Hell…
..made two huge steps towards fans.
Amphibious Zoo’s Dark Side 2: Phobia
Amphibious Zoo’s latest trailer music release is here.
Trailerhead: Triumph Album Art Contest
The contest, organized by Immediate Music for their next album, has just started.
Position Music: Verge of Total Chaos
New release for the fans.
Verge Of Total Chaos: Interview with Danny Cocke
Read an interview with Danny Cocke, the composer behind Position Music’s new release, Verge Of Total Chaos.
Two Steps From Hell’s Mobile App
Two Steps From Hell is literally everywhere – even on smartphones.
Jo Blankenburg’s Upcoming Album Elysium
Jo Blankenburg’s next album will be released in a few weeks.
Kosinus: Epic Victory Trailer & Heroic Modern Trailer
Kosinus recently released two more trailer music albums.
Liquid Cinema: Cinematic Apocalypse 2 & Modern Cinematic Suspense
Two albums were recently been added to the library.
Position Music: Behemoth
Position Music released a behemoth.
Globus: Epicon Songbook
This songbook is the result of many fan requests.
Four New Albums From Siren Cues
Four albums have been added to the Siren Cues library. Needless to say that they contain a lot...