Interview with Ivan Torrent
A new talent is emerging in the sphere of cinematic music. Ivan Torrent is a young Spanish composer who has recently released two successful singles, “Human Legacy” and “Icarus (feat. Julie Elven)”.
Trailer Music News: When did you start composing music?
Ivan Torrent: I don’t remember when I started to do this really, but my first contact with music was at 7 years old. I took some notation knowledge until 13 years old and at this age, I started to play with computers and midi. I started professionally at 18. I don’t remember one single day when we weren’t together. It is something symbiotic. At times it is even sickly. Because I can prepend music, above other things.
TMN: Which genres do you like?
IT: My musical tastes are very diverse. I’m a big fan of Enya, Clannad, Mike Oldfield and all the celtic stuff. And among other artists, Thomas Newman, Harry Gregson Williams, Danny Elfman, Alexandre Desplat or John Williams are my favourite composers. But I also like Skrillex, and some techno stuff.
Although I love the energy of the electronic music, I have always had a close relationship with the great melodies and arrangements that I have heard from those composers. My background has always been very ”tech”, but at same time very melodic, so for me, to connect these two worlds (melodic orchestral & electro) is simply great, and the synergy that takes place between them is simply amazing!! In a funny way, let’s say that my mind is much more connected to “Skrillex” and my heart to “Hedwig’s Theme”.
Here is “The Power of Will”, an epic orchestral piece full of adventure:
TMN: Which companies have you already worked for?
IT: I have been working with Jordi Garrido from TeeandGee Music for many years; for artists in Spain, such as Monica Naranjo, Soraya, Innocence, AeroSoul… and for labels like Sony and Warner Music. We have made a lot of remixes too, but I was always devoted to orchestral sounds, and I tried to add this to our commercial songs.
Nowadays I am combining this work as producer for artists, with cinematic music, and I’m doing cues for short films and for trailer & production music companies such as Sonic Symphony, Really Slow Motion & Novem Music. Also I have worked on demos for sample library developers such as Eduardo Tarilonte, 8DIO, Sonokinetic, The Unfinished & Strevoz Sampling…
TMN: You just released a new single, the epic and magical “Icarus”. What is the story behind this beautiful piece?
IT: “Icarus” was an attempt to do a new orchestral track with live vocals as I did for my last tracks. I love to add voice to my songs. I feel that a good voice gives to the songs something special that connects better with people, IMHO… It was a great experience with Roger Berruezo and “Remember Me”, overall because of his awesome voice and performance, and this worked too with “Human Legacy” and “Forbidden Love”.
“Icarus” was supposed to be a cue for a company, but something happened with my feeling about the song. I am sure it is not only my sense…I mean, sometimes you feel that its destiny should be different from what was originally conceived. Then that connection is emphasized, and something special arises between both. “Icarus” was composed in June 2012. But there was a long process to do it, because there were many people involved in this track, and a big schedule, which were impossible to coordinate in few days. But it’s finally released and I am very pleased.
TMN: Why the name “Icarus”?
IT: I am very maniac with song names, I think that the names must be connected to the songs in many ways. When I have the direction for the track, I usually try to find an evocative name, that allows me to determine the color and arrangements for the production. I already had many projects started and sadly not finished. The name “Icarus” had been there for a long time, waiting to be picked for a track.
Also I believe in signs, and I searched for a picture to be used as a cover. Then I found the beautiful “Glory of Icarus” artwork from Roko Dusevic, and I realized that if destiny had allowed me to achieve it for the cover, the name could not be any other than “Icarus”.
TMN: How did you meet Julie Elven, the talented female singer of “Icarus” ? Do you intend to work together again in the future?
IT: It was an amazing experience, because I was in Spain and she was in Germany, but the magic of the internet network allowed me to achieve this awesome collaboration, and I am so happy for that. She is an amazing artist, and her voice describes how lovely she is. Really. I would love to work with her as many times as we can, because she is an extremely talented musician and a person with an amazing musical sense. Moreover she is all love, and that makes her much special.
TMN: In addition to “Icarus”, you recently released another single, “Human Legacy”. Both received positive reviews on the internet. Will there be more singles like these in the future?
IT: “Human Legacy” was a test for me. I wanted to see if I could spread my music in a more serious way. I was thinking of doing an album, with real orchestra, and although it is something really expensive, and not possible for now, this is not an impediment to work on more singles. These are great times for sample libraries… And there are cool options, such as Pete Whitfield, to record real strings, as I did for “Icarus”. So yes, my main focus is to do more singles and if it is possible, to make a compilation of all of them.
TMN: You have also worked on demos for sample libraries, such as Eduardo Tarilonte’s Sample Libraries and Strezov Sampling. Was it an interesting experience?
IT: I love to create demos for companies. It is a great experience that enriches you personally, professionally, and it allows your music to be heard by more people. It is a huge responsibility, because overall I need to show to fellow composers what it is possible to do with those sample libraries, whether they like the music or not… If both are united, then something magic happens. I am a newbie in this area, but it is a nice experience, that I try to enjoy as much as I can.
IMHO, the world of libraries has improved these last years, and I feel very fortunate to live these days, because sampling companies are working harder than ever to bring us the best options to improve our sonic palette. The orchestral stuff is amazing these days, there are many options that allow us to obtain a sound close to what we expect from a real orchestra. I remember that, years ago, I was saying: “hmm hopefully we can someday hear the legato transitions in the strings” and here it is!! I love how technology improves our world and how we can improve our music.
Here is “Starchild”, a demo composed for Strezov Sampling:
TMN: What is the most surprising reaction you have ever had from a fan?
IT: To me it is something awesome that someone may react to my music. Sometimes I read words in Youtube comments that make me so happy, of course. It’s an amazing feeling. But the word “fan” is too huge to me. I say this with so much respect, because I think that the people who like my music, are fans of cinematic and trailer-esque music, and in some way, my music fits this style and their tastes. I really believe that there are lots of superb artists in this industry that must have this attention because their career speaks for themselves: Jo Blankenburg, Thomas Bergensen, Yoav Goren, among many others. But hopefully my music will have this kind of success in the future.
TMN: Do you have particular plans for the future? Perhaps a solo album?
IT: My main focus is to evolve in this scene, improve my skills and hopefully have the chance to record my own tracks with an orchestra. I have recorded in Air Studios and in Bratislava, but the projects weren’t for me as an artist. I feel the necessity to record my own tracks, to feel that I have my own album, in the way that I want, without restrictions, without limits. Only time will tell if it is something possible to do.
TMN: Anything else you would like to share with us?
IT: I just want to tell you thank you so much for this opportunity to introduce me to Trailer Music News and for all your support. And to all your followers, I would like to say something: please, always believe in this style of music because it is not casual and it is in its Golden Age, it is a fact that thanks to you all, other composers as well as me can make our dreams come true. Thank you and see you soon.
TMN: Thank you so much Ivan! Good luck with your projects!
You can follow Ivan Torrent on Facebook, Youtube and SoundCloud, and contact him at info@ivantorrent.com.
The singles “Human Legacy” and “Icarus (feat. Julie Elven)” are available to the public for purchase through iTunes and Amazon.
hopefully we’ll get some of his music released publicly!
Ivan is definitely very talented. Some great tracks and inspiration as I work on my own tracks.
Wow! Based on those samples I’d say Ivan is already up there with my favorites Nick Phoenix and Thomas Bergersen. His music is much more than “by the numbers” trailer music, it’s music that has a soul and a journey within it (I can see the Mike Oldfield influence) An album would be a great idea including expanded pieces hopefully (something I love about the Globus releases) ) Ivan is one to watch and I’m definitely interested in a future album release. Now I’m going to think of a heroes quest to rescue his love with “The Power of Will” echoing in my head. (Okay, I’m going to play Halo)
HUMAN LEGACY is a masterpiece !!!
Really impressive !
awesome music with melody & rithm
Ivan is a wonderful person not only professionally but also personally. He has a brilliant future waiting for him. Wishing him good luck
He is Catalan, not Spanish.
Catalonia is part of Spain.
i love this men
I love Ivan’s music, my favorite song is”Crystalline” feat. Celica Soldream, the flute sound is so beautiful and inspiring. It’s totally a masterpiece.