Two Steps From Hell: SkyWorld

According to Two Steps From Hell’s site, SkyWorld is their “third major public release featuring groundbreaking epic music with a modern twist. SkyWorld will be comprised over mostly new never before heard material. This album forges new ground and we believe it will be appreciated by two Steps fans.”

All of the tracks of this album are new, never-heard before material, except for one: “Dark Ages”, which comes from a previous Two Steps From Hell album, Nemesis. That album is only available to movie advertising clients, unlike SkyWorld.

SkyWorld is indeed Two Steps From Hell’s third major public release, after Invincible and Arkangel. Needless to say that this new opus is epic and contains gems such as “Ocean Kingdom”, “For The Win”, “Big Sky”, “El Dorado”,”Titan Dreams”, “Sun & Moon”, and the beautiful and emotional “Breathe”.

Many cues from SkyWorld features female solo vocals by Merethe Soltvedt. The talented cellist Tina Guo also performed on several pieces.

In Two Steps From Hell’s 2012 showreel, you can hear the title track “SkyWorld”:

SkyWorld is available to the public for purchase in digital format through iTunesAmazon and CDbaby. In addition to this, you can download the booklet here. For licensing information, contact Extreme Music.

UPDATE – The album is also available as physical CD through Amazon and CDBaby.

Editor-in-chief. Music-loving writer, currently living in Paris.

3 Responses

  1. Truly marvelous album! Can’t stop listening to half of the album’s tracks. That says something.

  2. Can’t wait for the album to be released in Germany. If you like TSFH, consinder to supporting a project to bring their music to the stage (in Germany and maybe more countries)! Info:

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