Boost Music: Big Cinematic Trailers
“From powerful full-throttle pounding action to epic dramatic adventure, Big Cinematic Trailers is a blockbuster collection of contemporary trailer music.” This album features many different genres of music, including, of course, epic orchestral music, such as “Epic Battle” and “Fighting for Freedom”. “Brothers in Arms”, on the other hand, has a more dramatic touch:
“Sub-sections include Build To Action, Maximum Intensity, Heroes & Historical and Superheroes.”
Composers featured on the album include established production music composers Will Palmer, Cy Samuels, Bryan New, Jason Glover, Gary Crockett, Antonio Casali, David Hearn and Gerry Moffett alongside new young talent like games music specialist Matthew Chastney. Credits for the album include TV trailers for Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, Green Lantern and The Chronicles of Narnia.
About Boost Music
Boost Music is “an independent production music company. A reaction to the traditional sprawling corporate giants, we aim to provide a more personal and individual alternative. At present Boost offers thirteen exciting and very different labels: Zone, Zone Plus, Liftmusic, Liftmusic Wildcards, Poke,Playground Hollywood, Point Classics, BoostTV, Big Screen, Parigo, PMOL and Stereo Royal.” For the curious ones, the Big Cinematic Trailers album belongs to Dramazone – one of the sections of the British label Zone, which they call “micro-libraries or ‘zones’. “Each zone is genre defined and a mini library within itself”. The micro-library Dramazone represents a “collection of drama soundtracks where bloodcurdling horror and vintage b-movie scores meet blockbuster trailer music, crime drama cues and the full gambit of dramatic musical mood”.
Boost Music is on Facebook, Twitter, and SoundCloud, where you can explore a large part of their catalog.
Big Cinematic Trailers is available to the public for purchase through iTunes and Amazon. For licensing information, visit the Boost Music website.