Read an interview with Danny Cocke, the composer behind Position Music’s new release, Verge Of Total Chaos.

Two Steps From Hell’s Mobile App
Two Steps From Hell is literally everywhere – even on smartphones.

Jo Blankenburg’s Upcoming Album Elysium
Jo Blankenburg’s next album will be released in a few weeks.

Kosinus: Epic Victory Trailer & Heroic Modern Trailer
Kosinus recently released two more trailer music albums.

Liquid Cinema: Cinematic Apocalypse 2 & Modern Cinematic Suspense
Two albums were recently been added to the library.

Position Music: Behemoth
Position Music released a behemoth.

Globus: Epicon Songbook
This songbook is the result of many fan requests.

Four New Albums From Siren Cues
Four albums have been added to the Siren Cues library. Needless to say that they contain a lot...

G Empire Music: Epic Rock
A new release from G Empire Music.

Globus’ New Music Video “Save Me”
This is the first music video based on a song from Globus’ second album, Break From This World.

audiomachine: Leviathan
Audiomachine recently announced their next industry release, Leviathan.

Q-Factory: Epic Action Vol. 02
Q Factory, Robert Etoll’s production music library, has released a new epic volume.

Bells and Wizards: Something Epic is Coming!
This new company is working on its first album and would also love to cooperate with fans on...