Sonic Symphony: Eternity
“1 year in the making! 15 high-end hybrid orchestral tracks!”“Eternity’s music features live orchestra, hard hitting rock elements, pounding percussions, pulsing synths and creative sound design – all blended perfectly to create futuristic, awe-inspiring, and truly amazing trailer music. Every track on this CD was masterfully composed, programmed, and produced, perfect for any high-end blockbuster motion pictures advertising campaigns.”
This extract from Sonic Symphony’s website summarizes pretty well Eternity. Sonic Symphony’s sixth release features indeed great tracks, and the album has clearly been inspired and influenced by the Tron: Legacy movie, both by the graphics – see the artwork of Eternity – and the music – “Power of Infinity” and “Incredible Machines” are a very good example of that.
You might wonder whether this is only a poor copy of the amazing score composed that Daft Punk did for Tron, or not. Well, the style is sometimes very similar, but the tunes and the orchestration are different. All in one, it’s still creative and original, and, as a big fan of the Tron: Legacy movie score myself, I actually enjoyed a lot listening to it.
Let’s not forget that this only concerns a part of the album, and that the rest also features hybrid orchestral cues, but in a different style, and quite an epic one. “God of Thunder” and “Dark Force Rising” will give you an excellent taste of this.
To conclude, Eternity offers a new style of music – hybrid orchestral – which had not been featured in the Sonic Symphony library yet, and contributes well to the latter one.
Eternity is currently not available to the public for purchase. For licensing information, contact Sonic Symphony.