Hunger Games Trailer Uses ZerOKilled Music
…and it’s available to buy on Bandcamp.
I was pretty impressed with the first Hunger Games trailer when I saw it in theaters. For one, it shows nothing of the actual “game”, withholding just enough information to leave the viewer wanting to see more. Another big reason it worked so well for me, was the music. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the back end piece is actually available to purchase. The track is called “Deep Shadow” by TTL, via ZerOKilled. You can purchase it at their Bandcamp.
Here’s where it gets a little tricky. In my efforts to learn more about where this track came from I found myself on a convoluted journey through countless url’s, and many, many new tabs. After all that I think I have a handle on it.
T.T.L. stands for Through the Lens, and it’s a partnership between Tying Tiffany and Lorenzo Montaná. This collaboration is through the record label ZerOKilled Music, which represents many artists whose works have been featured in various television and film projects. ZerOKilled is a sort of music library, with a catalog of music covering ambient, elecontrica, minimal, and other styles. Costanza Francavilla is the founder of ZeroKilled, which began in 2006. She is also a composer and her work has been featured on CSI.
Tying Tiffany is a singer and musician and has released five solo albums since 2005, the newest of which, Dark Days, White Nights, came out just this year. It includes a single, “Drowning”, which was featured on FIFA 2012. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Tumblr.
Lorenzo Montaná is a composer whose public work is mainly ambient electronic. Recently he collaborated with Pete Namlook on the ambient electronic series Labyrinth (1, 2, 3, 4), distributed by Namlook’s label FAX. According to his bio he also scores films and documentaries.
The artists behind “Deep Shadow” are fairly prolific in styles that are very different from the piece in this trailer. It would be interesting to know how Tiffany, Montaná, and Costanza came together to work on this project. On Tiffany’s website she describes her music as “avant-garde” in style, and “irreverent and against the current.” Certainly, this isn’t main stream music, and she has this in common with Montana. All three have electronic influences. If you like listening to new styles and artists, it’s probably worth clicking through some of these links. There is a lot of music to be discovered.
Apart from The Hunger Games trailer, their track “It’s Here” (which you can buy) was featured in the trailer for Coriolanus, another film from Lionsgate. I will definitely be keeping an eye on TTL and ZerOKilled in the future.
Via: AdTunes
Some of T.T.L.’s music is available to the public for purchase through iTunes and Bandcamp. For licensing information, contact ZerOKilled Music.
Does anybody know the music used in the hunger Games trailer 3 starting at 0:30?
Also used in Red Tails at 1:30..