Welcome to the New Trailer Music News
So, what’s new?
We are effectively relaunching the site, and we have made a few key improvements:
The look of the site is the most obvious change. We’ve switched to a simpler and clean design that we like, and hope you like. Making TMN visually more attractive was important to us; we want you to enjoy visiting the site. I wanted to enjoy visiting the site. This redesign is about more than just aesthetics though.
It’s about a clear direction. We are “the epic music community”. Our focus will be mainly trailer and production music as it always has been. However, we will also be writing about epic music found in films, video games, or even stand alone albums. “Epic” is a subjective word, and while the definition might change, we will be covering outstanding music, wherever it might be found. In short, we want to cover stories and artists that matter to you.
Quality content will be a priority. While we have always been keen on quality, we want to keep raising that bar. Not only that, but you can expect to see a more continuous flow of quality stories over the coming months.
As community is in our tag line, it’s probably worthwhile to note there is a new comment system that is more visible than before. You can now log-in via Facebook or Twitter to comment on articles. Having said that, what do you think of the new look? Comment away!
Hopefully this redesign is only the first step in what we hope will be a TMN that is continuously improving.
If you want to join the writing team, and be a part of this new site, please contact us at trailermusicnews[at]gmail.com
This is the most awesome site on the net. I check it every day 🙂
In this site there is always something new!!!!!!..i love this site!!!!!
Nice…nead to get used to it, but I think I like it. Keep up the greate work !
Awesome news. Epic movie scores and epic trailer music go hand and hand. It’ll be great to have you guys covering other genres.
I love the idea of it, but it’s a mess to look at.
I don’t like how the height of each box dictates the position of the box below it; it makes it difficult to look at the entries in backwards chronological order because there is no consistency to each row, and sometimes the next row begins smack dab in the middle of the row you’re looking at. It would make more sense to look at if the boxes were listed in columns, but because they’re listed in rows, the inconsistency is distracting and inconvenient.
I know it doesn’t matter much what order you look at things because the content is all awesome, but I’ve always looked at what the latest news is on TMN and then gone from there, as opposed to having to spend a moment to seek out the order in a weird layout.
Anyway, just my two cents. I love the site and what the staff here does for us, so I don’t mean to tell them how to do their job, just sharing my thoughts as a regular visitor of the site.
Hey Sam, thanks for your feedback! This was a concern of ours as well. We even tried a grid approach, but ran up against some problems with that. Having said that, we will definitely take your feedback to heart. If we solve those problems we may try a different layout in the future.