“I spent a lot of time on this one, writing and producing it.”

5 minutes with Benson Taylor
Bensor Taylor is one of the composers of Fired Earth Music’s new album, Spirited.

Sonic Librarian: Montage Worthy Piano Thingys, and Tragic Cinematic IV
The Sonic Librarian catalogue expands!

Fired Earth Music: Spirited
A positive family adventure album.

Les Friction’s Debut Album
Les Friction’s first album, of the same name, is finally here.

Bruton: Epic Empire 2
loan company bad credit credit help free The release of the follow up album of Epic Empire turns...

The Best of Brand X Music
The countdown is over! Announced a few weeks ago, Brand X Music’s first public album, The Best of...

Interview with Brand X Music
John Sponsler, Tom Gire and Josh Lynch give us a behind the scenes look!

The Sonoton Trailer Tracks Series Expands
Five albums were recently added to the Trailer Tracks series, by Sonoton.

City of the Fallen: Divinus
The company just released their first public album, Divinus.