Discover some epic moments in the history of trailer music!

Interview with Ivan Torrent
A new talent is emerging in the sphere of cinematic music.

Ninja Tracks: Revolution Zero
Ninja Tracks has released a new album, Zero.

Interview with Castimoniae
Meet composer Eirik Jacobsen, founder of Castimoniae, a Norwegian trailer music company.

Epic Score: Epic Action & Adventure Vol. 12, 13 and 14
Three new Epic Score albums just got released to the public.

Exciting News from Gothic Storm
Two of their albums just got released to the public, in addition to the industry release of three...

Epic Speed: Interview with Dan Graham and Chris Haigh
Read an interview with two of the Gothic Storm composers – Dan Graham and Chris Haigh.

Fired Earth Music: Heroes
Heroes is the company’s best release to date.

Heroes: Interview with the composers
Read an interview with the talented composers of Fired Earth Music’s latest release, Heroes.

Helios from audiomachine Now Available to the Public
One of Audiomachine’s recent industry releases is now available to the public.

Interview with Deadly Avenger
Meet composer Damon Baxter, also known as Deadly Avenger, through this interview!

8Dawn: Immortal
Immortal is an album of epic and dramatic hybrid/orchestral music.

Shockwave Sound: Massive Impact Vol. 09
Shockwave Sound’s Massive Impact series now includes one more album of cinematic music.

Brand X Music Volume 15 Now Available to the Public
Brand X Music’s album is now on iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.

Selectracks: Epic Trailers Vol. 04
A fourth volume of epic music has joined the Selectracks catalog.

Sonic Librarian: Threatening Skies
A new album of music crafted for trailers and TV ads.

Q-Factory: Final Reckoning
Q-Factory just released a compilation of their best tracks to the public.

Megatrax: Apocalypse II
An epic and dramatic album.

Atmosphere: Cinematic Drama
A new album of cinematic music from Atmosphere.