8Dawn: The Dawn
8Dawn’s long-awaited album The Dawn is (finally) out. And no, it’s not their eighth album… it’s the fourth one! “Welcome to The Dawn, our first epic drama CD featuring 44 d3liciously dripping hybrid orchestral scores by Academy Award winning composer, T. B. Folmann. The Dawn embraces all the existing conventions of high-end trailer music, but elevates- and breaks the trend by introducing alternative cinematic RnB mixes to some of the scores. The music is tailored for high-end productions that needs the beauty and breath of the orchestra and choirs fused with the boldness and sexiness of more contemporary music. All tracks are available USB, HDD and/or direct download to all tracks and stems.”
The tracks use various audio samples from 8Dio, a company also owned by Troels Folmann. Here are some of them – they all sound great and a good pair of heaphones (or speakers) is highly recommended…
“The Dawn”, primarily composed with Liberis:
“The Secret Color”, primarily composed with Rythmic Aura (a tool that was also used for “Aura”, by Thomas Bergersen, for example):
Other examples are “Castles of the Sun” (composed with Epic Taiko Ensemble), “The Origin” (composed with Requiem Pro)…
A fifth album by 8Dawn is in the works – it’s called Derailed and it will be harcore rock. More precisely, “a bunch of nasty slamming hybrid rock tracks by […] Troels B. Folmann and composer Frederick Russ”.
The Dawn is available to the public for purchase through iTunes and Amazon. For licensing information, contact 8Dawn.