Do you know how to say “listen” in Zulu?

How to Sell Thor in Japan: Use Immediate Music
How do you advertise a movie about an alien warrior named Thor who defends Earth, in Japan? The same...

Harry Potter 7 Part 2: the Trailer Music
Immediate Music’s “Lords of the Realm” was featured.

Hitchin’ Yer Music to a Trailer: an AIMP Panel Discussion
A recapitulation of the panel.

Happy (Epic) Easter!
Great Easter eggs have been distributed for this occasion – including Fired Earth Music’s first public release, Reign of...

Nero: Two Steps From Hell Announces New Album
Two Steps From Hell is preparing a new album.

Position Music : Action!
Two new action albums have been released by Position Music.

Methodic Doubt Music’s First Public Release
Some of Methodic Doubt’s cues are now available on Bandcamp.

City of the Fallen: Divine Power
Divine Power is here. It rules.

Critical Mass: Selectracks’ new Label
Selectracks now features a new label, called Critical Mass.

Audio Network: Blockbuster Movie Trailers Vol. 03
Looking for new epic music? Audio Network’s latest album, Blockbuster Movie Trailers 3, may interest you.

1 Revolution Music: Big Opens & Epic Themes Vol. 01
1 Revolution Music is a library that was created by Yoav Goren and Jeffrey Fayman last year.

Introducing: Soundcritters
Let me introduce this relatively new, Germany based company, Soundcritters.