Trailer Music Live: coming to Russia
Variety interviewed Yoav Goren, composer and co-founder of Immediate Music, and reported earlier today that Trailer Music Live concert will occur not only in New York City, but also in Moscow.
I have to say the article itself seems rather poorly written, but here are the take home paragraphs:
” [Yoav] Goren said he used studio contacts to secure rights to use the film clips during the performance and, as a graduate of NYU, found a willing partner for the concert in his alma mater’s Symphony Orchestra.
“Trailer Music Live” has previously been seen in London and L.A. The California gig was where Russian presenters first saw the concert.
“When I compose quote-unquote trailer music, I’ll do three or four minutes, but the audience only hears 15 to 20 seconds,” Goren said. “You’re always hearing it under explosions and dialogue.”
The event will take place in Russia on April 17th, at the State Kremlin Palace concert hall in Moscow. The largest concert hall in Russia, it can seat up to 6,000 people. Quoting from the press release,
“In association with the Russian State TV and Radio Music Center, with contributions from the US Embassy in Russia, the concert will feature performances by the Grand Choir “Masters of Choral Singing”, Artistic Director Lev Kontorovich, and conducted by Aleksandr Klevitsky, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of The Yuri Silantiev Grand Concert Orchestra.”
If you’re lucky enough to be nearer to New York, you can still buy tickets here. If these concerts are a success, hopefully they’ll be headed to more cities around the globe.
(via Variety, press release)
has the Russian concert been confirmed? I was lucky enough to see Globus at Wembely and would love to see Globus/Imediat Music again.
The concert in Russia was cancelled. However, there may be concerts in Europe next year!