Despite the fact that it has almost the same name as the company Trailer Beast (founded by Yoav...

Thomas-Adam Habuda: The Freak Inside
Thomas-Adam Habuda (Media Music Factory) has finally released his very first album, The Freak Inside.

Epic Christmas with Globus
The Christmas holidays are coming soon, and, as every year, Globus has prepared a very nice surprise for...

Wayne Dineley: Trailer Style Trax 2
Wayne Dineley, one of the Gothic Storm composers, just released his second album, Trailer Style Trax 2.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. readers!

Interview with Or Chausha
Or Chausha is a talented young composer writing music for motion picture and video games, and currently living...

Introducing VTown Cartel Music
Learn more about this Los Angeles based music production agency, with its own production music library.

Soundiva: Soundtrack 5
Soundiva has released a fifth Soundtrack album, called Soundtrack 5.

8Dawn: The Dawn
8Dawn’s long-awaited album The Dawn is (finally) out. And no, it’s not their eighth album…

Megatrax: Rock Hybrid Trailers Vol. 02
Megatrax’s latest trailer music album is out.

Fired Earth Music: Ultimatum
Fired Earth Music’s seventh album, Ultimatum, is finally here!

TrailerMade Live! – Tune in to a LIVE Recording Session!
We have some really exciting news for everyone this weekend.

Introducing: BBC Production Music
The BBC now has its own production music library.

Gothic Storm: ‘Epic Euphoria’ Album Series
Discover Gothic Storm’s fresh and dynamic new albums.

Full Tilt: Black 2
If you just started reading TMN, well, you picked a great week to do it. That’s right: even...