Poll #4: How Much do You Listen to Epic Trailer Music?
Here are your answers to the question “How much do you listen to your trailer music collection? “.
Well, most of us listen to it during 1-4 hours per day. It is not threatening unless the volume is not too high. Experts say 80 decibels (e.g. an alarm clock or a loud street) is the limit under which your hearing is in safe. On another hand some studies say music affects positively your cardiovascular system (blood veins and heart). So watch your hearing!
- always except when I sleep: 9% (6 votes)
- 5-8 hours per day: 13% (8 votes)
- 1-4 hours per day: 38% (24 votes)
- a few tracks every day: 22% (14 votes)
- a few hours every week: 13% (8 votes)
- infrequently: 6% (4 votes)
Total votes: 64
In the next poll we will ask about your favourite style of trailer music.