Killer Tracks: Apocalypse 2012
The newest album by Killer Tracks is surprisingly good. Featuring live orchestra and choir this albums belongs to the upper part of trailer music. The album is divided into four chapters:
Chapter 1: The Battle contains epic cues with percussion and pounding drums. Honestly, this is the most interesting part of the album. I especially like tracks “Island of Kings” , “Kingdom of Ashes” and “Empire Battle”. Composers Ryan Amon and Boris Nonte did a really outstanding job. These melodies are quite remarkable.
Chapter 2: Destruction is a horror-themed part. Dark, chilling and slow.
Chapter 3: After the storm and Chapter 4: Picking up the pieces with romantic and drama tracks are not bad, but you wont like the album because of these two last chapters.
Overall, it’s a strong average. 7 out of 10.
Apocalypse 2012 is currently not available to the public for purchase. For licensing information, visit Killer Tracks’ website.