Videohelper: Scorehelper Vol. 07
Hoy, hoy! Videohelper released a new album of their Scorehelper series. The thing you should know about Scorehelper is that its tracks are organised around some main topics as they would be an actual scores. On the 7th album these are the following:
“Scorehelper Vol. 07 covers a wide range of emotions and features five new scores:
- Animated Bluebirds & Princesses – A magical, spirited fairy tale
- Dark Futures – Sophisticated, emotional minimalism
- Man Vs. Science – The intriguing score to the imaginary series
- A Year In Conflict – a unique indie documentary score
- Pirates Of Arabia – Which sounds exactly like you think it does.”
Pirates Of Arabia should be amazing, although I didn’t listen to it, but pirates are always cool. “Yarr harr deggle dee dee being a pirate is alright with me.”
Scorehelper Vol. 07 is currently not available to the public for purchase. For licensing information, visit the Videohelper website.