The Two Steps From Hell Burger
Have you found your food to be rather bland and uninteresting when listening to trailer music? Honestly, how can anything really live up to the epic melodies of “Freedom Fighters” or “Heart of Courage”?
Well, the meal of your dreams is no longer left to imagination, because we’ve found the burger for you!
The “Two Steps From Hell Burger” has everything you need to complement the rises, hits, and shouts of a typical action packed cue. In a world where a pound of ground beef is pitted against halapenos, pepperjack cheese, and peppered bacon, you can’t go wrong. Add some spicy mayo, and voila! You have an invincible combination of flavors. This burger has been a legend since the beginning of time, and after the fall. Next time you have a cookout, and you find yourself humming “Black Blade”, fill your heart and soul with enigmatic satisfaction, and indulge in this larger than life burger!
Add some Future World Fries, and X-Ray Dogs, and you’ve got yourself an epic meal!