Shadows of Oh Seven

Hoy, hoy! Happened some things in 2007 which I can not let pass without notice. Thoes who looked for trailer music might have seen some particular comments on forums those were supposedly posted by a crew member of a company. Well the most obvious question: the guy is really that guy as we think from his nick name? Or just fake?

Still I belive that tjb at is really Thomas J. Bergersen. Or Vanton is really an employee of Immediate Music. The reason is very simply. The number of fans of trailer music is low. If you hear an epic choir music you can be pretty sure that there are only a few who do the same thing. This is not bad, but we can not hide even on internet. If I were a fan of Shakira and share some albums of her, no one would care of it. But if i shared Nemesis here from Two Steps From Hell all cops would knock on my door already. Just try! Look for X-ray Dog or Immediate Music by Google. You can find forums where can be downloaded these albums.

So Shakira would never sit before the screen and look for forums where her music is shared, but employees of production music companys do. Their music is unique even on internet. And that’s why I can persume those comments are “real”.

For example: I copy some posts here.

“Hello everyone, I am the composer of Nemesis for Two Steps From Hell (and also the co-founder of the company). We are very grateful for the tremendous interest in our album and our music, and we realize it’s inevitable that our music leaks out to the fans of our of music around the globe. We are planning a future commercial release with our best tracks from our catalogue and we hope everyone here will have the decency to support our work when the time comes. I spent over a year writing the music that would eventually be featured on Nemesis, and I truly hope you respect this effort. It takes a lot of hard work to pull off something like this. It is not just production music, I really put my heart and soul in this work but I never expected it to be such a sought after album. We at Two Steps From Hell would like to express our greatest appreciation for the kind words from our fan base, and we hope you will continue to support us in the future. The best is yet to come!! I’m about to finish Nemesis II (subtitled “Legend”), which is another step (pun intended ) forward. We are recording the final pieces just after the new year begins, and Two Steps From Heaven, a major CD featuring an amazing live orchestra and choir in mid 2008. Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.It has been said again and again in this thread, but it cannot be stated too often: The trailer music companies can only make money for future productions as long as the music remains exclusive and rare. By posting our music everywhere for the public to download you are directly hurting our business. I think most of you understand this, and really just want to download our music to listen to it in private. That’s why I ask that you do not spread our music further if/when you acquire it, to prevent too much damage to our business. We are forced to take legal action against administrators and site owners who actively spread our music to the public, simply because there’s a direct correlation between income and public file sharing. We spend money watermarking our music to track the source from which distributions came, and we will actively pursue these offenders.

Please remember that we at Two Steps From Hell are very passionate about what we do and we would like to continue to write music that appeals to the public, but if the sharing continues it is going to be hard to surivive, and our fans will suffer.To answer another question brought up earlier in the thread: Troels Folmann (Composer of Tomb Raider) is a great friend, and one of our regular writers. He has written some great music for us and will continue to write for us in the future. That’s why some people might find similarities. That’s simply his style. We really try to write original music as opposed to knocking off popular film scores. We are artists and we like to retain that artistry by keeping our integrity as composers intact. I personally composed the Scorehelper vol.4 “Into the East” score which someone requested. This is also a production music library and the same rules apply.One final request of decency and respect: Please do not use our music in your own personal productions and upload them to youtube etc. We occasionally give permission to our fans to use our music in limited productions such as school plays and student films, but please let us know by email: before you do.Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year from everyone at Two Steps From Hell.

All the best,
Thomas J. Bergersen”

And another one:

“I AM NOT SHOUTING THIS REPLY – ITS EASIER TO ANSWER SPECIFICS WITHIN YOUR MESSAGE I can understand that you are angry with all these ‘pirates’, as your company is not interested in the public who would like to get your music, only in selling it to companies. I’M NOT ANGRY AND I DON’T CONSIDER PEOPLE HERE PIRATES AS SUCH- I HAD RECEIVED MANY EMAILS ABOUT THIS FORUM AND I FELT I NEEDED TO TALK TO YOU GUYS ABOUT IT But I don’t see your problem with people downloading your music for private use. I SEE YOUR POINT BUT OUR ISSUE IS USING OUR MUSIC WITH VIDEOS AND STICKING THEM ON THE WEB – THATS OUR BUSINESS AND PEOPLE WHO USE OUR MUSIC GET ASSY ABOUT THAT You talk about “all the little me’s”, but how are they doing you harm? MY POINT WAS THAT WE ALL CONSIDER OURSELVES “ONLY ME” BUT MULTIPLY “ME” TO EVERYONE ELSE MAKES IT A BIG PROBLEM The film companies will not lose interest in your music if some private listeners (and even if it is 1000s of them) have your stuff on their harddrives, because nobody will know. Who is doing harm are ppl who release films with your music without paying, full ack they should be sued! THE TROUBLE IS THOSE PEOPLE DON’T WEAR A SIGN SAYING THATS WHAT THEY ARE

What will this accomplish? MAYBE AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROBLEM AND MAYBE EVEN ONE PERSON STOPS USING OUR MUSIC FOR THEIR NEXT FILM -THATS COOL IF WE ACHIEVE THAT These ppl can never pay you what you want and all you can do is ruin the lives of some of your fans. A BIT RICH BUT I GET YOUR POINT AND HOPEFULLY YOU GET MINE. As it is now, ppl are still downloading and you get nothing – we both agree that this is not fair. So giving dedicated fans a way to support you would be great – for you and for music lovers who want to pay for your music but can’t. THATS WHY WE RECORDED GLOBUS – ITS A START BUT NOT PERFECT FOR YOU GUYS I KNOW most of my friends cannot understand why I like trailer music HOW FRUSTRATING IS IT FOR YOU FOR THEM TO NOT UNDERSTAND, MULTIPLY THAT MANY FOLD IN OUR CASE – WE TESTED THE THEORY OF PURE TRAILER MUSIC AND FOUND THE SAME THING. THATS WHY WE INTRODUCED LYRICS INTO GLOBUS – TO MAKE IT ACCEPTABLE AS A HALF WAY HOUSE FOR THE MASSES – NEXT TIME WE WILL STRETCH INTO MORE AREAS –


Because of them I won’t share any links to download. And above else these posts make sense.

I am the founder of TMN. I am on a quest to explore the epic side of the world.

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